04 ) Right now I take a detour by using pydicom to read RT DICOM files and then convert to vtkImageData, but then I have to create a structure to store things such as patient name, id, plan name, etc. This code is still very basic and the structure will likely change. GetArrayFromImage (file) # Paths to an imaging series related to the segmentation source_images = [ pydicom. The modifications can be written again to a new file. I read them with pydicom like this I then want to stack all images as a numpy array, like this: However, the images are or different size and therefore cannot be stacked. dcmread(x, stop_before_pixels=True) for x in dicom_series_paths ] template = pydicom_seg. 80 MB ) Autorun package for CD/DVD/USB: MicroDicom DICOM viewer CD/DVD 3. It’s a Dicom reader and writer for python. pydicom is a pure python package for working with DICOM files. Interpolates dose for cardinal angle horizontal profiles within a DICOM dose dataset. As a pure python package, pydicom can run anywhere python runs without any other requirements, although NumPy is needed if manipulating pixel data. This is not to say that there are only three ways, but I will use these three. “Read DICOM in python” is published by Yusif Morsy. Pydicom read dicom series A model to represent a single instance of the Image entity.